Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Update on Buff Puff usage

So, after using my Buff Puff for several days I would like to report that my pores are visably smaller, my skin is glowing, my face creams seem to be working better and my foundation just glides on my skin.  I don't have to worry about rough spots, overly dry skin, and knock on wood---no breakouts. 

I am very happy with this product and will be going to Sally's Beauty to pick up the less expensive brand.

I highly recommend trying the sensitive version or Sally's Beauty Supply version with a light hand and gentle cleanser (not an exfoliating cleanser) if you cannot afford the clarisonic or professional peels right now.

Have a fabulous day dolls!



  1. Thank you for fixing my comments dollface! xo

  2. I will be trying this and is heading to sally beauty's to pick up the product.

  3. i'm NOT chad rogers, but i'll pretend to be him on your blog...

    YOU ROCK! to the very max! you are an epic rocker!

  4. Thanks for posting the comment to the Luxist Article. Happy Holidays ;) -Chad

  5. my name is not chad rogers either, but I love you any way, and you're welcome, comments rocks

  6. im a huge fan of mixing honey with sugar and using it as a scrub. i use white sugar for my face and raw sugar for my body. works like a charm! and honey haas natural antibacterial properties


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