Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Get Your Freak On Tag (Beauty Community Tag)

Disclaimer: I can't find my camera and I like to utilize photos in my blogs...so I wanted to do this tag that some of my beauty community girls have tagged me in.

#1. What's a nickname only your family calls you? My sister has many.  Mostly she calls me Seeeester or Pookie.  My mom calls me Sunshine, while my dad used to call me MoonBeam and a few others that I rather keep between us :)
#2. What's a weird habit of yours? Hmmmm I am not sure....I am far from perfect but I can't think of a "weird" habit.  I am a total night owl and I really enjoy the night time and being alone just vegging.  Oh, and I watch old tv sitcoms and horror movies.  That might be my weird habit.  I am obsessed with horror movies and I have been known to go to a convention or two :)
#3. Do you have any weird phobias? Weird? I don't know if it is weird or unusual, but I hate bugs...and I hate grass.  I rather live in a concrete jungle with no bugs. I also despise the African Toad.  BLECH
#4. What's a song you secretly love to blast and belt out when you're alone? Anything by Mariah, Britney, and Hair Band Metal :) Oh and Black Sabbath's Paranoid album rocks.  Anyone who went through my iPod or CDs would laugh at the eclectic mix I have and when I say eclectic I am saying all of the above plus country and Deva Premal.
#5. What's one of your biggest pet peeves? Loaded question....I have a an answer in Italian but it isn't appropriate.  I would say devious people and liars.
#6. What's one of your nervous habits? I clench my fists without realizing it when I am nervous or stressed and leave nail imprints on my palm and grind my teeth.
#7. What side of the bed do you sleep on? If you are looking at the bed, I sleep on the right.
#8. What was your first stuffed animal and it's name? It was a stuffed dog named Toy-Toy...Original eh?  I still have him.
#9. What's the drink you always order at Starbucks? Usually a regular coffee, at this time of the year Pumpkin Spice Lattes and for a splurge a Java Chip Lite Frappacino.  That is rare though.
#10. What's a beauty rule you preach, but never actually practice? Oh I got this!  My friends who complain about breakouts come to me and I tell them to stop touching their face and I constantly rest my face in my palm when I am tired.  Also picking nail polish.  That may be another nervous habit or just aggravation at the staying power.
#11. Which way do you face in the shower? Both ways, but mostly facing away from the shower because of the height of my shower head.
#12. Do you have any 'weird' body 'skills'? LOL....I used to be able to do that Bewitched Jaw Wiggle and my jaw started having problems.  My sister and I also have an unexplainable thing we can do with our lips that our Uncle taught us.  It isn't cute lol
#13. What's your favorite comfort food that's 'bad' but you love to eat it anyways? Kraft Mac and Cheese.  My sister thinks I am a gourmet chef when I make it and when we lived together if either of us had a bad day that is what I would make for us.
#14. What's a phrase or exclamation you always say? I say OMG, I know, right? (which used to be a pet peeve), Totally!, Dude, and I am not sure if this fits but if I like you...I usually always have a special nickname for you.  I rarely call people by their real names.  That isn't to say if you don't have a nickname yet that I don't like you...It just means I am waiting for one to come to me. :)
#15. Time to sleep, what are you actually wearing? This changes by season, but I like to be comfortable when I sleep.  When I lived in a warmer climate I wore a lot of cute satin shorts and matching tops.  By the beach it is colder and I tend to swear more warm clothes to bed.
#16. What did you once wear that you thought was cool but now you realize it wasn't that hot? Overalls and old school Flojos come to mind.  Also glitter butterfly clips in the 90's in my hair and those hair jewels sporadically placed throughout my long hair that would get tangled instantly.  As far as makeup....I think all makeup has a time, place, and era.  I don't regret any of my looks except for perhaps over plucked brows in the 90's.  However, even thin brows were the style in the 90's.  So...I don't know...this questions is really subjective but who thought it was cool to wear overalls?  In Junior High we used to wear short overalls with half tops, big belts and suede knee high boots.  Explain that look....ugh LOL

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