Saturday, December 22, 2012

Happy Holidays!

I hope you are all staying warm!  It is freezing in California!  I even met a guy from Brooklyn last night while doing some last minute shopping who said he could not believe it was so cold out here.  Granted, I am close to the water, but still.  I feel like a human Popsicle. :)

I don't know about you, but I still have presents to wrap, presents to deliver, (if it is up to Rachael aka LashChronicles AKA ThisIsRachael--filming more videos haha), cookies to bake with my mom, pastries to make with my entire family and a dinner to prepare with my family.  Our Italian Christmas traditions live on.

I still miss our Christmas Eves with our "California Family"...but things change I suppose.  This year I will be spending at least part of Christmas Eve Day with friends, and perhaps attending mass with some other friends.

So while I listen to my Mariah Carey Christmas albums and wrap my presents, I will be thinking of so many of you and the support and kind words you have given me over the past few years.  I will also be thinking of the wonderful friendships I have gotten from being part of the beauty community.

I hope each and every one of you  has a very special, happy holiday season!


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