Sunday, February 20, 2011

Survey Time--You tell me what you want to see!! :)

I just want to say that I truly love my readers.  I have over 500 unique readers even though only 26 have subscribed. (Just an enter giveaways you must be subscribed). 

You always give me such great feedback through comments and email.  I want to make sure that you are all getting some of what you want. Many of you have asked for what types of products I use, reviews, giveaways, monthly favorites and yes videos and tutorials.  I promise all of these are on their way.  The tutorials may be more difficult because of my camera, but they will come. 

Here are some of things that I would like you to vote on as a help to me.  I was going to put a survey in this post, but it was going to be a pop up and those can be so annoying.  So I will just leave a few questions and you can email me the answers at or by leaving a comment in the comments section.

  1. What types of haul videos would you most like to see? Just makeup, all beauty related, random items included like jewelry and books? Other things?
  2. Which items would you like to see reviewed in the near future? (I will do my best)
  3. As for tutorials or step by step instructions for basic makeup application, can you please tell me what type of look you are trying to obtain?  You can even email me a picture of a celebrity or person whose makeup you are trying to emulate.
  4. Do you enjoy hearing about sales and coupon codes?
  5. When I begin doing videos...what is the first video you would like to see me do? A review of all of my Sigma products, a simple intro video, a favorites video, a "whats in my purse video", or something else?
Please answer all questions if you can.  This will be a great help!  Love you all!  Thank you so much for all of your support!



  1. Hi Dani;
    These are my answers:

    1. All beauty related
    2. Home facial products
    3. Eye make up - fresh, natural look; smokey eye
    4. Yes - who doesn't like a deal?
    5. Love the Sigma lines

    Looking forward to see what you decide on!

    oxox Jillousy

  2. What types of haul videos would you most like to see? Just makeup, all beauty related, random items included like jewelry and books? Other things?
    I would do a little of all. tutorials, how to use products and product reviews on the best.

    Which items would you like to see reviewed in the near future? (I will do my best)
    How to do the smokey eye How to apply the powder make up correctly.

    As for tutorials or step by step instructions for basic makeup application, can you please tell me what type of look you are trying to obtain?
    Kim K, anythign with a smokey eye, and how to apply with flawless coverage.
    You can even email me a picture of a celebrity or person whose makeup you are trying to emulate.

    Do you enjoy hearing about sales and coupon codes?
    Yes, its always good to know when and where the sales are.

    When I begin doing videos...what is the first video you would like to see me do? A review of all of my Sigma products, a simple intro video, a favorites video, a "whats in my purse video", or something else?
    How to apply correctly and with what brushes.


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